3. De-prioritize unproductive relationships.
When I started my real estate career after college, I quickly realized that the demands of my job were different than those of my peers’ jobs. If I wanted to succeed, I had to accept that my schedule, focus and priorities were different from theirs. I had to distance myself from friends who were no longer aligned with my direction.
Fortunately, it doesn’t require “breaking up” to make a change unless it’s a romantic or professional relationship — but it does require awareness. Most unproductive relationships exist because they were once important, but never “deprioritized.” They’ve remained a part of your life by default, not by choice.
Take an inventory of your most healthy and productive relationships. Create buffers, boundaries and rules around casual relationships that aren’t constructive. Learn to say “I’d love to, but I can’t” to people who don’t support the life you’re building. — Shaun Rawls, lifelong entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Rawls Consulting